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Chroma is a music-based first-person shooter from Harmonix
For many, Harmonix is synonymous with "music". His plays have defined the genre with iconic hits like Karaoke Revolution , Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Dance Central and under your belt. To create new forms of interactive live music is the modus operandi of the company , it's hard not to be completely surprised by his latest title : Chroma is a first person shooter music .Before discussing how Harmonix provides for the integration of music in the genre of shooters , it is important to emphasize that this is a first FPS game music seconds . In fact, Harmonix Chroma is co - developed with Hidden Path Entertainment , the team that most recently Counter- Strike: Global Offensive . This is to ensure that the real Harmonix - no experience ensures that the vaccine is well and good.ChromaChroma is best summarized as a class-based multiplayer game from the point of capture, with both teams trying to keep the most points on the map as possible.Individual skills of each class are what makes the music Chroma - FPS , not any shooter. For example , fire weapon engineer, if you are able to follow a similar path beatmatch some Rock Band . Other classes will be largely known part shooter players, but they all have musical arrangements . The category of "sneak " is a sniper rifle that can fire at any time, but offers much more damage when cooking in my free time . Class "Tank" is a guided missile rocket launcher that can change the trajectory in time all down , so it is difficult to avoid a gun. Finally, the Assault class - although it is geared mainly towards players with the most comfortable handles - Offers grenades that explode only the first time.Unfortunately for Chroma , while the towers of the music is new, Harmonix has not done enough to really push the musical aspect of the game . Instead of being a FPS should be a music game first - otherwise , we can not help but shake the "me too" feel of the game . There are many multiplayer shooters out there, and Chroma do not feel sufficiently inventive to stand still - even with his musical contraption .Chroma is a bit like Tron at the time , but the look will evolveOne of the problems I had when reading the early alpha is the lack of actual computer game . I realized that there is a feeling that you are " part of a group . " Capabilities of each class do not necessarily complement each other , and the kind of support it offers nothing new at all. As expected , the support can heal other players - but would not it be interesting if they could change the music in any way?Harmonix is aware Chroma will face obstacles when trying to find the right balance between music and the shooter . And that's why they continue to Early Access : For comments from the early players in the development of the game. A closed alpha begins this month , with an open public beta later this year. The goal is to have a great release " this fall " while incorporating feedback from critics and fans.Chroma also features a new milestone for Harmonix . Not only the company innovates with a new genre, but the game will be free-to -play . Of course, the team is committed to avoid scenarios "pay- to- win", but the economy is something the team is likely to experience during the beta . What is clear is that there are still more likely to " cosmetic" Chroma products from other shooters. Should not only be able to purchase new ways to see , but you should be able to buy new forms ringing in the battlefield .Although our first glimpse of Chroma was very dangerous , it is fascinating to see Harmonix take a bold leap for your next party . A shooter of music is something I've thought much about - and it's exciting to see someone take a stab at it , while providing all of us on the trip.

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